Physical exercise helps guard against alzheimers………………..

According to Dr. Marwan Sabbagh of the Sun Health Research Institute in Sun City, one of the nation's premier facilities for the study of dementia, more people are being diagnosed with alzheimers at an early age.

We have all heard that keeping your brain active will help keep alzheimers disease moving at a slower rate and/or not coming at all.

What is just being discovered is that physical exercise is also a great defense against Alzeimers disease.

A stream of studies suggests that simple lifestyle activities such as being socially engaged and watching how you eat, drink and exercise may have an effect on risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Several of these studies are being highlighted Sunday at the first Alzheimer's Association International Conference on the Prevention of Dementia in Washington, D.C.

Reading newspapers, books, and magazines, playing cards and other games, working crossword puzzles, search words, going to museums, and even actively watching television or listening to the radio are excellent steps to protect against the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Stay Healthy!

For more information on Alzheimers and other health related problems check out