Allergy Information - Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Dog, Cat, Food, Mold, etc.

The most important thing in fighting an allergy is to find out what specific animal or thing you are allergic to. Most people that find out they are allergic to their animals are told to get rid of their pets.

Even if this is the most effective way to control the allergy, it is not the most feasible way in the majority of cases.

People do not like to part with their pets. They love their pets with the intensity that would keep them from ever removing it from their home or life. There is hope! There are things you can do to make a big difference in how bad your allergy can be.

Causes of Pet Allergies

Dog allergies and cat allergies are not from their fur, but from their dander. (Microscopic scales of dead skin) It is constantly being shed by the animal. Urine can also trigger reactions. (This is also true in ferrets, guinea pigs, mice and hamsters.

It does not matter if the dog or cat is long haired or short haired, since it is not the hair but the dander that is causing the problem. For this same reason, it doesn’t matter if the dog or cat sheds hair or not.

Secretions from the sebaceous glands of the skin are the cause of the reaction to cats. It is transferred to the fur when cats lick themselves in keeping themselves clean.

Treatment for Pet Allergies

Several things can help keep your environment safer from allergens. Get rid of carpets, nylon and synthetic fabrics. These attract and hold dust mites and dander. The more washable your surfaces are the better it is.

Wash bedspreads, sheets, pillows, pillow cases, curtains and rugs as often as possible. Vacuum using a clean filter.

Use a commercial size air purifier in your home. The small room-size units are not big enough to do a good job.

Try bathing your cat or dog every few weeks. This removes the build up of dander and dead skin. If you restrict your pet to one or two rooms in the house, this can make a significant difference.

Food Allergies

Millions of people suffer from food allergies. There is no known cure except avoidance. The most common food allergies are to milk, egg, different types of nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat. Treatments for different reactions to foods include:

Wheat - A wheat reaction is different from Celiac disease. Celiac disease is a permanent reaction to gluten and you must always avoid wheat, rye, oats and barley. If allergic to wheat, you must only avoid wheat and it is usually outgrown in children.

Peanuts - If you have a reaction to peanuts, be very careful about what related products you can eat such as peanut oil, etc. The reaction to peanuts can be very severe as in the swelling shut of the throat.

Mold Allergies

Symptoms to mold allergies are worse from the spring to the fall, peaking in July. Molds even persist after the first killing frost but fortunately the snow covers most of the molds and reduces the mold count.

The places in your home that are the most mold filled areas are damp basements, closets, shower stalls, bathrooms, places where you store fresh food, house plants, air conditioners, humidifiers, garbage pails, mattresses and old foam rubber pillows.

In some people, exposure to these types of molds can lead to asthma. Always consult your physician immediately when you have any type of breathing difficulty. Asthma is a very serious and life threatening condition.

Allergy Remedy

We have found an excellent herbal remedy containing nutritional ingredients that prevents allergic reactions and improves respiratory health.

AllergiClear not only eliminates the dependence on antihistamine drugs, but also improves your overall resistance against allergens and helps support the immune system.

Take a look at AllergiClear today and create a strong and healthy immune system to fight off infections and keep you allergy free!

more on our Health Conditions page

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