Alternative Therapies for Chronic Fatigue Include Natural Treatments

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a mysterious condition with no known cause and no known cure.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue signs and symptoms include extreme lethargy and flu-like symptoms.

Headaches, swollen lymph nodes, aches in muscles and joints, inability to concentrate and a feeling of weakness usually occur along with debilitating fatigue. Among the chronic fatigue syndrome signs and symptoms is the inability to complete simple, every-day tasks without becoming exhausted.

The illness may come on suddenly and is often triggered by a minor illness, like a cold or stomach virus that never completely goes away. In some cases, chronic fatigue signs and symptoms appear gradually with no apparent trigger.

Some people point to a period of high stress as the starting point for the condition. The symptoms of CFS can persist for months and sometimes years, draining a person of energy and the ability to function. The illness affects people in every walk of life, though it was originally identified mostly among upper middle class, professional women.

Alternative therapies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Since there is no known cause, treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is designed to manage individual symptoms. This may include medications like sleep aids or antidepressants, as well as special diets and moderate exercise programs.

Many people also find relief from chronic fatigue syndrome that include herbal and vitamin supplements, as well as treatment modalities like acupuncture and cranial sacral therapy.

Neuro-Natural is among the alternative therapies for chronic fatigue syndrome. The formula contains at least fifteen herbs and nutritional substances that are useful in treating symptoms ranging from fatigue to chronic infection to brain fog.

Though there is no cure for the condition, combining treatments with the this special neuro formula can significantly improve quality of life for people who suffer from CFS.

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