Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms can occur in one or both hands.

The carpal tunnel is a very small opening just below the base of the wrist, between the arm and the hand. It allows the median nerve to pass from the bones and muscles of the forearm to the palm, thumb and fingers.

The opening is very small and is vulnerable to pressure and swelling. It usually afflicts people who use their hands in a repetitive motion.

The area where carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms are seen the most is in people who are using the computer. At least 10% of the people who work at computers have CTS and that number is expected to rise.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Symptoms include numbness, tingling or pain in the thumb and the first three fingers along with loss of strength also.

The pain is worse at night and in the early morning. It may radiate all the way to the forearm or the shoulder.

The person with this condition may also not be able to make a fist.

Carpal Tunnel Exercises

Exercises that can be done to prevent carpal tunnel or to keep it from getting worse include clenching your fist for 5 to 10 seconds, releasing and straightening your fingers and then repeating again. Do this 3-5 times for both hands.

Stretch the fingers back on one hand, by using the other hand. Bend then back as far as possible without pain.

Another exercise is to clench your fist and turn your palm up. Use your other hand to push down on your fist while you resist with the same fist. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat, but have your clenched fist facing palm down. Duplicate with both wrists 3-5 times each.

Carpal Tunnel Treatment

Mild cases are treated by a applying a splint or a brace. In the beginning this is usually worn just at night to keep your wrists from bending. This allows the swelling and inflammation to go down by taking pressure off the nerve.

Some doctors prescribe a cortisone injection to shrink the swollen tendons surrounding the nerve. The effectiveness of this depends on the severity of the condition.

Carpal tunnel surgery is the last step a doctor considers. Even though it can be very effective, it can be a long recovery process for the use of your fingers, hands and wrists.

After the surgery, your symptoms may be relieved almost immediately or in a very short time. Numbness may last longer depending on the severity of the case or the person’s age.

Consult your physician immediately when suspecting carpal tunnel.

more than carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms on our Health Conditions

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