Endometriosis Symptoms

Endometriosis symptoms…………………………

Endometriosis is a painful condition in which uterine tissue from the uterus attached itself to other organs. The uterine tissue may appear in the fallopian tubes, the ovaries or on the outer walls of the uterus itself.

Not only are these masses of tissue painful but they still continue to behave as if they’re inside the uterus. They continue to fill up with blood over the course of the menstrual cycle and they shed blood every month just as the uterus does.

The blood has nowhere to go so it accumulates inside the pelvic cavity where it often forms cysts. As the tissues continue to bleed each month the cysts grow so large they bind organs together. If a cyst ruptures it is very painful.

Endometriosis symptoms

Symptoms include pain in the pelvis and in the lower back. The pain is the worse during ovulation, menstruation or sexual intercourse. The woman may experience heavy or prolonged bleeding which can lead to anemia.

Digestive problems are also common conditions and include nausea and vomiting. There is also a strong connection between endometriosis and infertility.

Other painful problems include pain with urination and bowel movements.

Endometriosis Treatments

Whole grains, beans and vegetables should form the basis of your diet. These foods are high in fiber and will help balance the friendly bacteria involved with estrogen metabolism.

Fish oil and flaxseeds are essential fatty acids that also help stabilize estrogen levels. Apples, carrots, artichokes, dandelion greens, onions and Brussels sprouts help the liver’s detoxification of estrogen.

Avoid red meat and dairy products since these contain dioxins that act as environmental estrogens. Drink a glass of water every 1-2 hours.

Always consult your physician if you suspect endometriosis.

more than endometriosis symptoms on our Womens Health page

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