High Blood Pressure Causes - How Does Hypertension Occur?

High blood pressure causes are only known in a small percentage of cases.

In about 10% of people, high blood pressure is caused by another disease. When the disease is treated, blood pressure usually returns to normal. Examples of such disease include chronic kidney disease, thyroid dysfunction and diseases of the adrenal gland.

When there is a coarctation of the aorta, high blood pressure can also result. This is a narrowing of the aorta that you are born with.

Pregnancy, the use of birth control pills and alcoholism are three more causes of high blood pressure.

In the other 90% of cases, the cause of high blood pressure is not known. Although the specific cause is unknown, certain factors are recognized as contributing to high blood pressure. In most cases, hypertension has no known cause, though it may be triggered by factors such as obesity, excess alcohol consumption, high sodium intake or stress.

Physical Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Initially, there are almost no high blood pressure symptoms. In some cases, dizziness, headaches or blurred vision may signal hypertension, but usually it is discovered only when blood pressure is measured.

Over time, hypertension can cause the heart and kidneys to become damaged. People with high blood pressure are also at higher risk for developing hardening of the arteries, eye damage and stroke.

High Blood Pressure Treatments

We have discovered a natural remedy to help with Hypertension.

High Rite contains herbs which have been carefully selected to balance and regulate blood pressure.

Some of the ingredients in High-Rite specifically target blood vessels which have become constricted and others improve the heart's ability to pump blood effectively, while also treating and preventing plaque build up in the arteries.

Try High Rite today and increase your energy, calm and soothe stress and nervous tension and improve overall feelings of well being.

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