
Rosacea affects more than 15 million people in the United States and most of them don’t even know it.

It is an inflammatory skin disorder in which the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin are chronically reddened and prone to breaking out in acne like welts. It does not produce blackheads or whiteheads and it rarely appears during adolescence.

It generally sets in during a person’s thirties or forties. It begins with a mild pink blush on the skin that does not go away. If it is not treated, it can cause thickening and redness, especially on the nose.

Women are more likely to have this skin condition than men are, but when men have it the cases are more severe.

Studies have shown that over 75% of patients afflicted with this have said that it has lowered their self-esteem, self-confidence and caused them to avoid public and social contacts.

Ocular Rosacea

Approximately half of all people with this skin problem have symptoms that affect their eyes known as ocular rosacea. It is most common for the skin condition to show up first.

Symptoms are tearing, redness, dry eyes, burning or pain in the eye or a feeling that something is in the eye. Crusty eyelids that lead to blurry vision can also occur.

Treatments for the crustiness of the eyes can include a warm compress on the eyes for 2 or 3 times a day. Scrub the eyelashes morning and night never go to bed with eye make-up on. Anti-bacterial eye drops are also recommended.

The cause of Rosacea is not known. Avoiding what is known to trigger it is very important because each time the blood vessels expand they lose some of their elasticity.

Over time they become incapable of properly constricting and they remain in a dilated state – hence the redness. This may also lead to pimples that do not disappear when the trigger is removed.

The most common triggers are alcohol, hot liquids, coffee, spicy or fatty foods, extreme temperatures, sun exposure, harsh winds and stress.

Rosacea Treatment

Diet is very important in this treatment. Raw foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, sprouts and seeds possess enzymes that help you convert food into nutrients that are needed for skin and circulatory health.

Drink several glasses of vegetable juice each day. If you have this skin condition, it is likely that your digestive tract isn’t processing food thoroughly and juices are an excellent way to take nutrients directly to your bloodstream.

Nutritional supplements are very helpful in treating these symptoms. Essential fatty acids, as in fish oil or flaxseed, reduce inflammation. Vitamin B12 also helps to reduce flare-ups.

Laser treatments are available in very severe cases. Always remember to consult your physician for your health problem.

more than rosacea on our Health Conditions page

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