Tocotrienol is An Important Form of Vitamin E For Your Health

Tocotrienols are one of two types of vitamin E (along with tocopherol). There are four natural forms known as alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta. Plant oils, particularly palm, rice bran, palm kernel and coconuts oils, are rich sources of it, while most vegetables oils contain virtually none.

They are fat-soluble substances with strong antioxidant properties. They are also able to reduce cholesterol levels, fight infections, and boost the immune system. They may also be able to reduce the risk of artherosclerosis.


For years, many vitamin E supplements contained only alpha-tocopherol because it was believed to be the most potent component of the vitamin. Studies now suggest that tocotrienals may have even more significant antioxidant effects than tocopherols as well as other unique properties.

These two families of substances have similar molecular structure, making them strong antioxidants, but tocotrienals may be more useful in lowering cholesterol levels and protecting against cardiovascular disease.

The structural difference of the tocotrienal molecule, particularly that of gamma-tocotrienol, is thought to be able to suppress an enzyme involved in cholesterol production. Using it may be necessary to obtain the heart-protective benefits of vitamin E.

Quality Supplement

While all eight components of vitamin E are present in foods, supplements may contain only alpha-tocopherol. With the recent attention to tocotrienals, more and more manufacturers are adding it to vitamin E supplements. For maximum effectiveness, supplements should contain both tocopherols and tocotrienols. Xtend Life Total Balance formula is one product that contains both.

Xtend Life Total Balance was formulated with nutrients and supplements that protect against degeneration of cells in the body’s essential organs and in the brain.

Available in unisex, women’s and men’s formulas, Xtend Life Total Balance contains natural vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) and tocotrienals, as well as over 70 powerful nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, enzymes and other supplements, making it one of the most comprehensive supplement formulas on the market today. 

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