Vitamin C Overdose - Is it a Possibility?

Symptoms of a vitamin C overdose include diarrhea. The effects of an overdose do not appear to cause long term problems.

Vitamin C Overdose

Clinical studies have shown that higher doses of vitamin C may reduce the duration or severity of the common cold. If a person takes too much vitamin C, the first symptom is usually diarrhea which disappears as soon as the dose is reduced.

Other signs of too much of this vitamin include increased urination, flushed face, headache, lower abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting.

Benefits of Nutrients Vitamin C

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and helps the body fight free radicals which can damage the body’s cells. In this way it reduces the risk of certain chronic diseases.

The benefits of vitamin C involve many body functions. It helps form collagen in connective tissue which is necessary for tissue repair. It is beneficial in healing wounds, burns and also broken bones because it increases calcium absorption.

Vitamin C keeps the immune system healthy and promotes healthy capillaries, gums and teeth. It contributes to hemoglobin and red-blood cell production in bone marrow.

Foods High in Vitamin C

Fruits such as Oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons, mangos, papayas and strawberries are excellent sources of vitamin C. Vegetables that contain vitamin C include brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, peppers, potatoes, collards, spinach and tomatoes.

Fresh or Frozen fruits and vegetables are the best source of vitamin C. Eat the vegetables raw or cook only a very short time in water and you will get your highest supply of vitamin C.

A vitamin C overdose is usually detected first by diarrhea. Since nutrients vitamin C is passed through the body and not stored, a vitamin c overdoes is not perceived as having long term effects.

Featured Vitamin C Supplement

We have found a product that contains a blend of over 70 powerful nutrients to give you energy, keep your body functioning at its highest level and give you the maximum vitamin C benefits as well as important minerals, amino acids, herbal extracts and other therapeutic nutrients.

It is manufactured by a highly regaqrded supplement company called Xtend-Life. The product is called Total Balance.

Xtend-Life manufactures its products using strict pharmaceutical GMP Compliance, which is the most controlled standard for dietary supplements on the market.

Xtend-Life also files a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for each product it produces to insure the potency of the ingredients it uses.

You never have to worry about a vitamin C overdose if you make Total Balance with vitamin C a part of your daily regimen. Feel healthier and more energetic than ever before!

more on our Vitamin Supplements page

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